Why consider any other consultancy? Unlock the full potential of Soar Environmental Consulting. Our highly skilled senior environmental planners are ready to assist you with CEQA/NEPA determinations on State, Federal, and private development projects. Contact us today to learn how we can streamline the process and expertly guide you, regardless of the agency you’re working with.
Soar Environmental Consulting’s expertise includes CEQA and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance documents for federal agencies, private corporations, local public agencies and districts, and state agencies seeking federal permits and funding for their projects. These environmental documents include:
Environmental Assessments (EAs)
Categorical Exemptions/Exclusions
Initial Studies and Scoping Documents
Environmental Impact Statements (EISs)
Findings of No Significant Impact (FONSIs)
Joint CEQA/NEPA Documents
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Programs (MMRPs)
Response to Public Comments
To learn more, contact us here.
301 N. Lake #600
Pasadena, CA 91101
3626 Fair Oaks Boulevard, #100
Sacramento, CA 95864
1322 E. Shaw Avenue #400
Fresno, CA 93710
© 2020 Soar Environmental Consulting. All rights reserved.