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National Forest Foundation, Sierra National Forest, California

Sierra National Forest, California


The National Forest Foundation, in conjunction with the United States Forest Service, Sierra National Forest, California, sought Soar Environmental for biological resources consultation services per the Endangered Species Act. The Service planned a wildfire resiliency project and required consultation and biological resource surveys of the 640-acre Barnes South and Grade 1 Meadows areas south of Shaver Lake, California. Wildlife field biologists were needed to survey for locations of Pacific Fisher, Northern Goshawk, California Spotted Owl species, Willow Flycatcher, and Great Gray Owl species. Technical reports were needed for both CEQA and NEPA concerns.


Our team of biologists went to work reviewing previous studies of the 640-acre location for identified species. Over a month of fieldwork included camping overnight, on occasion, to monitor audio and video recordings to identify locations of the species. Geographic Information Systems were used to pinpoint locations for the bird species, and the data was recorded. The habitat considerations of the sites required written and peer-reviewed Biological Assessment and Biological Evaluation reports written by Soar Environmental scientists.

Soar Environmental biologist setting a call box for bird survey in Sierra National Forest, California.


This project was another successful biological adventure for our team to serve federal agencies. We prepared pre-field research, wildlife surveys, documentation, and comprehensive biological technical reports that were completed. You can count on Soar Environmental for the required expertise with dedication and drive.

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The Soar team would be honored to assist your business in any way possible and will strive to ensure your projects receive the utmost attention.
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