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California and Federal Environmental Planning Consultation, Telcon Services, California.


Telcon Services, LLC and Soar Environmental Consulting, Inc. have partnered to aid our client in satisfying environmental clearance for the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in several communities in Central California. Telcon seeks to construct Right-of-Way fiber networks in these communities in an easement along the streets/sidewalk using boring, micro trenching, and possibly aerial locations. In some locations, CEQA Categorical Exemptions (CE) have been determined. But this is not the case where boring near water courses will take more investigation.


The Soar Environmental Planning department has begun working on the exemption narratives. We provide environmental project management and reconnaissance surveys and develop the CE and administrative draft narrative for city, public, and state review and comment. Soar planners coordinate with the jurisdiction’s planning department to ensure proper environmental reviews are completed to receive any necessary funding from state or federal sources to comply with CEQA and NEPA guidelines.


This project is ongoing. Our planners are thoroughly environmentally surveying communities for potential roadblocks to CEs. Where there are potential roadblocks, our team provides the necessary consultation. This project is another example of our outstanding planning department working with building contractors to move their projects forward successfully and promptly.

We're here for you

The Soar team would be honored to assist your business in any way possible and will strive to ensure your projects receive the utmost attention.
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