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California High-Speed Rail Authority: Re-examination of the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR), Fresno – Madera Counties, California

California High-Speed Rail Authority

A modification of the initial design of the approved California High-Speed Train (CHSR) Project to the east of the approved project alignment was sought based upon advanced technical designs that would reduce construction costs by straightening the corridor and lowering the height of overcrossing structures.  The proposed eastward shift fell outside the project footprint evaluated in the Final EIR/EIS and therefore required CEQA/NEPA documentation to identify and analyze potential impacts to the additional alternative.  The Scope of Work included full CEQA/NEPA analysis of all categories. The shift encroached into a state-protected, environmentally sensitive area and affected sensitive noise receptors.

Soar Environmental staff was responsible for completing and approving legally- defensible documentation as well as conducting analyses for Air Quality, Noise/ vibration impacts, as well as Parks, Recreation, and Open Spaces.  Soar Environmental worked with DGS to develop land conveyance, and negotiated terms for conveyance within the state preserve, and ensured consistency with the existing Mitigation, Monitoring, and Reporting Program.  Soar Environmental staff reviewed all analyses, provided comments and refinements to clarify the CEQA documentation, and approved the final variation before scheduled construction.  

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