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B.F. Sisk Dam/San Luis Dam Safety of Dams Project, Merced County, CA


B.F. Sisk Dam is a 380-foot-high zoned compacted earth fill embankment located on the west side of California’s Central Valley 12 miles west of Los Banos, California. Also known as San Luis Dam, it is owned by the Bureau of Reclamation and operated by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR). Soar Environmental Consulting was called upon to provide services for this anticipated 12-year project.


Preconstruction soil surveys were required at contract use areas, environmentally sensitive areas, planned storage of hazardous materials and planned storage of California Regulated Waste areas. Soar Environmental worked with the contract to provide the USBOR and CDWR with baseline soil testing and technical reports to establish pre-project soil conditions for restoration activities at completion. Additionally, Soar Environmental biologists assist with biological monitoring for listed species. California Tiger Salamander (CTS), San Joaquin Kit Fox (SJKF), and California red-legged frog (CRLF) are the listed species onsite, and our team surveys night and day on the construction site.


The project is ongoing. Our biology team is onsite weekly and is approved as Designated/Qualified Biologists for CTS and SJKF and Qualified Biologists for CRLF. Our partners greatly appreciate the Soar Environmental team onsite expertly supporting this massive project. 

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The Soar team would be honored to assist your business in any way possible and will strive to ensure your projects receive the utmost attention.
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