The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) is responsible for planning, designing, building, and operating the first high-speed rail system in the nation. The high-speed rail system will connect the mega-regions of the State, contribute to economic development and a cleaner environment, create jobs, and preserve agricultural and protected lands. Soar Environment is part of the team tasked to design and construct four Central Valley Stations along the initial operating segment of its high-speed rail system in Fresno, Merced, Bakersfield, and Kings/Tulare.
Our initial scope of work centers around hazardous materials assessments for all four station locations in the Central Valley. Our team is beginning work on the Fresno site. We are determining the soil composition for the existence of hazardous substances through sampling and laboratory testing. Once this phase is completed and the assessment is delivered, our team will write the technical report to deliver to the High-Speed Rail Authority. An additional task will be to assess the need for remediation and deliver that technical report.
Soar Environmental Consulting also provides staff for biological pre-activity surveys and biological and Cultural construction monitoring in Bakersfield and Merced as geotechnical borings are being completed. Our Sr. Archaeologist has written the cultural monitoring scope of work, and our Sr. Biologist has led the biology team in nesting birds and San Joaquin Kit Fox surveys for these two station footprints.
Additionally, an EIR re-exam in Merced will be needed for hazardous waste. The station footprint has been altered, and our team will provide this service.
As of this writing, our Haz Team is currently performing the hazardous waste assessment for the Fresno Station footprint. Services include the sampling and testing of soil at the sites of concern. Biological pre-activity survey reports have been completed and delivered, and biological and cultural construction monitoring in Bakersfield and Merced is ongoing. We feel extremely proud to be chosen to serve our partners and the California High-Speed Rail Authority in completing this vital aspect of construction environmental clearance work.