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San Joaquin Valley Homes/Delano Tract Mitigation Monitoring – Kern County, California

San Joaquin Valley Homes


Our client San Joaquin Valley Homes is constructing single-family homes on a 76-acre parcel in Kern County’s City of Delano. After an Initial Study was completed, it was determined that that biological mitigation measures were needed to be completed. Soar Environmental Consulting was hired for preconstruction surveys, any mitigation measures needed, and working environmental training for biological resources.


Soar Environmental went onsite and conducted three preconstruction surveys with an aim to seek out any San Joaquin Kit Fox dens, any migratory birds such as Swainson’s Hawk, and any roost bats on trees in the project area. As part of the mitigation measures, a Soar Environmental Biologist came onsite once a month during construction for San Joaquin Kit Fox working training and provided a hand out for current and new crew members during training sessions.


Speed was of the essence for this project. Soar Environmental biologists immediately went to work with preconstruction surveys as soon as the notice to proceed was received. Our team collaborative worked with the San Joaquin Valley Homes point-person to help our client get the construction project off the ground and start construction on time in compliance with California Environmental Quality Act guidelines. Our team’s mitigation monitoring efforts kept our client and the necessary regulatory agencies apprised of sensitive species found and the mitigation measures in place to protect the species during construction.  

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The Soar team would be honored to assist your business in any way possible and will strive to ensure your projects receive the utmost attention.
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