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Southern California Edison FERC Traditional and Alternative License Acquisition & Implementation, Central California

Project Scope:

Experienced Staff at Soar Environmental supported the negotiation and implementation management of the Alternative License Plan (ALP) for hydroelectric projects in the Southern and Central Sierra Nevada Mountains for Southern California Edison.

Description of Services:

Staff supported the development of all environmental compliance plans related to the ALP and managed the design, content, development, and implementation of Environmental and Safety programs. Tasks included negotiating programmatic permitting and associated multi-year plans and measures for facilities located in culturally sensitive areas on the San Joaquin River. Additionally, staff developed a compliance schedule and oversaw the development, implementation, and full integration of numerous plans under the ALP. The plans included Shoreline, Quagga, and Zebra Mussel, Bald Eagle, Stormwater Pollution Prevention, Spill Control and Countermeasure, Whitewater rafting, Interpretive Signage, and Sediment Management Plans. Furthermore, staff designed site-specific plans, compliance schedules, and fail-safe processes that are being implemented over a 34-year time period.


The 33,000-page ALP led to the FERC Relicensing for Southern California Edison’s hydroelectric projects in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.  Staff at Soar Environmental supported the successful comprehensive training for over a thousand employees, contractors, and consultants on the required measures.

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The Soar team would be honored to assist your business in any way possible and will strive to ensure your projects receive the utmost attention.
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