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City/Municipal: Producers Dairy – Initial Study/Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (IS/SEIR), Fresno, California

Producers Dairy

Brief Paragraph:

Producers Dairy Foods requested a CEQA Initial Study for the construction of a light industrial site, which includes the removal of two industrial brick buildings constructed in the 1920s, totaling 12,500 square feet, and development of a semi‐trailer parking lot in their place.  Key Issues included the historical and architectural nature of the buildings, coupled with strong public opinion for building preservation. Soar Environmental prepared documents for the initial study, alternative analyses, cost assessments, evaluation of environmental impacts and novel mitigation measures for the site.

Project Scope

Producers Dairy requested a CEQA Initial Study for the construction of a light industrial site, which includes the removal of two industrial brick buildings constructed in the 1920’s, totaling 12,500 square feet. The purpose of the Project is to expand delivery trailer parking on the 1.8-acre site, as part of Producers Dairy’s staging ground for its dairy transportation operations. The key issues that Soar Environmental addressed included the history and architectural nature of the brick industrial buildings, coupled with public backlash surrounding the potential destruction of the buildings.

Description of Services

Soar Environmental prepared the Initial Study and determined the project required a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (IS/SEIR) due to the historical and architectural nature of the brick industrial buildings. Soar Environmental conducted multiple community outreaches to develop alternative project descriptions that were amenable to the customer and public, while still meeting the goals set forth by the CEQA regulations. Soar Environmental created Project alternatives, developed mitigation measures, and prepared the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, focusing on the preservation of locally significant historical buildings. Soar Environmental conducted a Phase I ESA, uncovering USTs not previously known to exist.


Soar Environmental developed Mitigation Measures that included developing a commemorative monument detailing the historical significance of the building, creating an aesthetically pleasing sound wall reusing the historic bricks, and incorporating architecturally significant reliefs into the new structures.

Photo Credit: Star Tribune

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