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California Trout Phase I and II Cultural Resources Assessment and Environmental Review, Mono County, California

California Trout and the California Department of Fish


In conjunction with California Trout and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), Soar Environmental continues to support the protection of cultural resources on CDFW lands. The 460-acre By-Day Creek Ecological Reserve is located in northern Mono County at approximately 7800 feet near the community of Bridgeport in the beautiful Sierra Nevada. The Reserve is undergoing a program to protect and enhance the habitat of the genetically pure Walker Basin Lahontan cutthroat trout, a federal and state-listed threatened species. A Forest Management Plan will thin native vegetation along the creek beds to improve forest health, reduce wildfire threat, conduct biodiversity monitoring, and improve watershed health and availability. 


Soar Environmental is tasked to provide a full Cultural Resources Assessment, Tribal Consultations, and environmental compliance reviews to existing laws and regulations. Additionally, we use best management practices to provide California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) compliant services for reviews of contract activities and other permitting as needed. 

We are reaching out to several indigenous peoples in Mono County to apprise them of this work. These tribes include the Bishop Paiute Tribe, Bridgeport Paiute Indian Colony, Mono Lake Kutzadika Tribe, Walker River Reservation, and the Big Pine Paiute Tribe of Owens Valley.


Upon completing the initial site assessment, several previously undocumented resources were discovered and documented. As this three-year project progresses, our Archaeology Team continues to provide cultural resources, field surveys, and monitoring during forest thinning activities. Our team provides safe work, shows up early, identifies and resolves issues, governs the regulations, and produces superior work. Therefore, we focus on assisting our partners to reach for the stars while keeping their feet on the ground.

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